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Hair Color: Changes, but always goes back to blonde.


Height: 5'1


Eye Color: Sky blue when happy / normal state.

Dark Green when Mad or Uncontrolled.

Grey when Upset or Sad

Dark Blue No comment


Nervous ticks: Scratching the back of her head. Peeling beer labels off. Reciting poetry.


Scars: Large scar on her chest, much like a heart surgery scar. It is covered by a tattoo.


Clothing: Honestly has no sense of style, she puts on whatever she thinks will look alright. Her favorite pair of shoes are bright blue flippers she's been banned from wearing. So normally She's in some sort of different colored converse.

Tattoo's Below:

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Role play character for the game. Vampires in the dark! Ravenblack. Played by: Anna Rommel/Brittenelle Fredericks.  Wolf Played by: Rouge The Wolf Dog. Written by: Brooklynn  Proudly created with

Contact on Discord: Chi#1300

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