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RavenBlack Histroy

Ichi’s first visit to the city was nothing short of an extravagant adventure. She used a fake ID to get into the city tavern, got herself a room upstairs, and slowly realized she’d been drawn into this city’s strange atmosphere. It was wild; you’d see vampires feeding and wolves running around. It was everything Ichi had ever wanted and didn’t know she had needed.


The first couple of times Ichi came into the taverns, she would only show her face as a small wolf pup. The pup would just run around and cause havoc where she pleased. Soon Ichi became a well loved person in the tavern. She gained more friends than she could count. The city also helped Ichi realize something about herself she’d never really realized. She loved women.


There was an odd thing called ‘Siring’ that people did in the city and before long Ichi found herself a sire. This was of course after the same woman had zeroed the young pup, putting her in the hospital for a few days. After Ichi had recovered though, the woman took Ichi under her wing. Ichi finally felt like she had a home. She looked up to JokerofLust, calling the woman mother and mom all the time. 


Unfortunately, Ichi would soon find herself alone again as Joker left the city. Ichi never held it against the woman, knowing that she needed to move on and leave the city. Ichi severed from Joker and was alone for a small while until she sired under VKingsley. Kingsley and Ichi were close. She would literally do anything and everything the man asked of her. The bonus of siring under V was that Ichi gained a brother she’d always have: Fenrir Lycan. Fen and Ichi would work on cars together and in general just cause trouble wherever they went. 


One night though, V asked too much from the young pup. Ichi had had enough. They got into an argument and Ichi would never see V the same again. He is the one and only sire she has ever severed from. Ichi still remained bonded with Fenrir, even though she severed the sire bond from V. 

Once more on her own, she didn’t expect to be swept up so quickly but her old aunt, Mona Hraefn, had different plans. The woman took Ichi in, gave her a home, a family, and loved Ichi. In these years, Ichi honestly felt more love than she had ever felt. She even joined a clan called Ordo Illuminati. The years went on and slowly Mona, or Raven as Chi called her, dwindled and lost sight of the city. Ichi found herself alone once more. Many of her friends and family had gone into the shadows, simply lurking, or left.

Ichi went out to the taverns for a night of partying and having fun when she ran into a group of travelers. They were a rag tag group of musicians, poets, mystics, and more. The group told Ichi how they traveled from city to city, all over the US, into Canada, and even down through Mexico. This of course took the young woman’s interest. She didn’t even say goodbye. She went back to her empty home, packed her bags up, and then Ichi-NightLove left Ravenblack city.


Summer of 2011 Ichi-NightLove leaves Ravenblack City to find something more on the road.

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Role play character for the game. Vampires in the dark! Ravenblack. Played by: Anna Rommel/Brittenelle Fredericks.  Wolf Played by: Rouge The Wolf Dog. Written by: Brooklynn  Proudly created with

Contact on Discord: Chi#1300

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