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RavenBlack Return

For seven years, Ichi traveled with the rag tag bunch. Some people jumped off in different cities while other people joined up. Either way, it was always her on the road. Her, Jamie, and Stan were the three that kept the little troupe going. Jamie was a brilliant singer that refused to go pro. She had more fun playing and singing in dive bars than she could ever have singing in front of thousands of people. That’s what she always said, anyway, and Ichi just left it at that. Stan’s goal was simply to be the captain of the ship. They traveled in an old 1955 Porsche Tempo Mikafa Sport Camper. The Camper broke down more often than it ran, but that was all part of the adventure. 


Over the seven years they went from one side of the US to the other, then from top to bottom, back and forth. They ventured for a few years in the lower part of Canada, then even down into Mexico. The trio bonded during these years. Jaime and Stan helped Chi complete her online college degree. There were a few years they stayed in a small town in Georgia. Ichi spent two years teaching at a local community college. Before long though, the wanderlust got the trio once more and they were off. Ichi spent most of the years performing poetry at different venues and collecting works from different artists. She would help them get published, then they’d move on to the next city. 


Eventually though, Ichi started to get tired of the constant go. Her heart yearned for a place to call home; a place for her to rest her head permanently once again. She thought of the one place she truly had been able to call home. One night, while they were at a small internet cafe, all typing away at computers, Ichi sent her resume in to a position that had just become available at one of the local colleges of Ravenblack City. Two weeks later, after some back and forth and a couple phone interviews, Ichi had a two year contract at Fairmary College in Ravenblack City.


Jamie and Stan dropped Chi off at the tavern where she used to frequent all the time in the city. The three had a heartfelt goodbye and before she knew it, Ichi, now a grown up adult woman who had a degree, was back in the old Taverns. It took a couple weeks for Ichi to finally figure out the city again. She came back to most not even remembering who she was. That didn’t stop her though. She pushed right through the awkwardness and the seeming inability to get anyone to talk to her and be nice to her. After a small while, she ran into her old friend, who led her to the new bars of the city. Ichi quickly made herself at home at Squiddy’s, finding herself surrounded by friends and family once more. The blonde was certainly overjoyed to have given the city another shot by returning. 


March 11th 2019 Ichi_Nightlove Returns to the city. (Name Changed because of Forgotten password.)

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Role play character for the game. Vampires in the dark! Ravenblack. Played by: Anna Rommel/Brittenelle Fredericks.  Wolf Played by: Rouge The Wolf Dog. Written by: Brooklynn  Proudly created with

Contact on Discord: Chi#1300

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