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Family History:

Birth Mother: Dream NightLove.


Birth Father: Vince NightLove.


Birth Siblings: Sasha, Eric, Derrk, Blaike NightLove.


The history of the Nightlove Pack has been long forgotten due to their ill timed demise and the fact that there was only one of them left after all was said and done. The few things known about the Nightlove pack are below:


When a shifter of this pack shifts, they are surrounded by a bright light that covers their entire body. This light is a color that is specific to each shifter. Ichi Nightlove, for instance, is known to be covered in a bright light blue light when she shifts. This color is described as their Spirit Color. 


Nightlove pack members each have an ability connected to nature. These types of abilities range from Pyrokinetics to Hydrokinetics, and many others as well. Ichi Nightlove’s power that she is slowly learning more about each day is Quintessence Force. She has the ability to constantly generate energy. Each pack member has their own ability, which is usually connected to their Spirit Color. 


With being connected to nature, as well as gifted the power to shift by witches, the wolf pack has a special rose that starts to grow as the pups are born. These roses will grow for as long as the wolf is alive. They have a special glow that matches the wolf’s Spirit Color. The roses also carry special magical healing properties to help with Silver, Vampire bites, Holy Water Burns and other likewise healing capabilities. Once a Nightlove passes, the roses die. When there are no more Nightlove’s these roses will all be gone.


Nightlove pack members can live for years, centuries even, with their supernatural boost from the coven. They age until twenty two then after that they no longer age, physically. Nightloves still remain mortal though; beating hearts, the ability to lose limbs, and of course out right die. Silver and wolfsbane are obviously some very easy ways to weaken the wolves. 


The Nightloves were just a regular pack of timber wolves that lived in Northern Canada until they were discovered to be an asset to a coven of Witches that also happened to live in the same forest. The Witches took the wolves in, trained them to protect them, and then bestowed a gift upon them. 

The coven gave the pack the ability to shift into Humans. This allowed the Nightloves to protect the witches even when they went into towns and larger cities. The Witches trained each member of the pack in simple humanistic tendencies so they’d fit in when they went with them. Some members of the pack even went to school, slowly immersing themselves into human society. 

Eventually, the witches no longer needed protection for they’d found other ways to keep under the radar of hunters. They released the Nightloves from their service. The Nightlove pack wanted a fresh start, so they moved down toward the Southern part of Canada making a new home for themselves in a smaller forest. This would eventually be their downfall.

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Role play character for the game. Vampires in the dark! Ravenblack. Played by: Anna Rommel/Brittenelle Fredericks.  Wolf Played by: Rouge The Wolf Dog. Written by: Brooklynn  Proudly created with

Contact on Discord: Chi#1300

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