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Ichi's History:

On May 5th, 1993 Ichi (No middle name) Nightlove was born in a remote forest in Southern Canada. Her Parents, Vince and Dream Nightlove, welcomed five pups with Ichi being the runt of the litter. Blaike was the first followed by Derrk, after that came Sasha and Eric then the very last out was Ichi. Her name came from her mother. Ichi was ‘One’ because she was the runt of the litter - the one who would surpass them all - is what her mother used to tell her. Her brother, Eric, and sister would tease the young pup that she was given the name Ichi because she was the one who wasn’t supposed to survive, being so tiny as she was. 


The first years of Ichi’s life were wonderful; she spent days going to school learning about different subjects, her favorite being english. She loved how people would put words together, plus it was one of the only times they were allowed to be shifted and in human form. When not in school, she was usually running through the forest with her family and pack mates. She and her brother, Blaike, would sneak off and he’d show her different constellations as guiding points to use when they’d run through the forest. Blaike would often tell Ichi the stories behind the constellations, which was the pup’s favorite part of hanging out with her brother. The way he could tell stories and put words together always filled the young blonde with love and hope. 

She spent time with her other pack members as well while she grew up, learning at the age of six to start playing guitar then drums at eight. They’d go into town for these lessons, using the pack mates that chose to live with humans to teach her how to play musical instruments. It also gave her a chance to better hone her blending in skills

with humans. 


The winter after she learned drums was when her life completely changed. It was December, a very harsh cold December. The previous summer, the pack had arranged a marriage between Ichi’s sister, Sasha, and an outside wolf of another pack that lived within the small forest. The BrenSlaughters were a pack that had given the Nightlove’s many troubles over the years, constantly trying to overpower the smaller pack of shifting wolves. These lycanthrope wolves, who’d gained their ability to shift by a curse, had been a constant thorn in Ichi’s pack’s side. The arranged marriage was meant to bring the two packs together so they would no longer fight and simply live side by side in peace. 


Though Sasha and the other wolf hadn’t quite been mated yet, since they were still young, Sasha herself had left the pack to go live with the BrenSlaughters. Things between the two packs seemed to be working well. No problems had come up and the two packs were coexisting quite well. On December 14th, the Nightlove pack welcomed a new litter of pups into their pack. The pack waited until the next night, December 15th, to throw a small party celebrating the addition of the four little pups to their pack. It was during this celebration that Ichi truly became One, alone forever. The BrenSlaughter’s showed up to the party, pretending to be bringing gifts to the family, only to in fact be bringing death. They started attacking the pack, overwhelming them by using silver weapons and wolfsbane. One by one, the Nightlove wolves fell. The Brenslaughters had just overpowered them by sheer numbers and brute force. 

Ichi was taken by her sister, tied up to a post in the middle of the den, and left to watch as they killed everyone. Her brother’s bodies were tossed dead and limp beside her. Ichi’s sister seemed to take pleasure in destroying their family. Soon, she witnessed her sister dragging over the dead bodies of their parents, laying them down in front of the small wolf pup. As her sister stood before her, the BrenSlaughter’s alpha’s suddenly jumped on top of her. 


Ichi watched, unable to look away, as they tore her sister apart. The young wolf knew that this had to be the moment where she’d die last, but instead the two alphas stood before her, then snorted and turned, simply walking away. It must have been her sister’s constant need to tell everyone how weak Ichi was that made them leave her there. It worked out for the pup, though because despite how small she was, Ichi had a will to live. 


Ichi painstakingly escaped from the ropes that had tied her up. It took her the rest of the night to slowly chew through the rope and free herself. She shifted into her human form carefully. On that cold winter morning, snow started to fall and Ichi did her best to make shallow grave sites for each of her pack. Once they were all buried, Ichi collected her things, made sure to bury anything else that was important to the family, then she left. Shifting with a satchel of just simple things over shoulder, the young wolf pup ran until she couldn’t run any longer.


Over the next few years, Ichi learned to live life on her own. She’d sneak into towns and cities, begging for anything she could get. Ichi learned many life lessons over those years. Most of all she learned that people in general couldn’t be trusted. This hardened the young girl. She spent years on the run making sure to always keep an eye on just where the BrenSlaughters were. When Ichi was about twelve, she ran into a Hunter in one of the cities she was staying in. Being the type of shifter she was, the hunter had no clue that the young girl was even supernatural. She quickly befriended him, taking him up as almost a fatherly figure. He trained Ichi to be able to find different supernatural beings and how to just take them out. 


On Ichi’s thirteenth birthday, she told the man, who’d she’d spent a year training under, goodbye. She had one thing on her mind: blood. She set out to finally take back what had been taken from her. It took Ichi a year to finally kill every last one of the BrenSlaughter pack members, but she did it. When she knew that they were all gone, Ichi finally decided it was time to fully leave the area. Without even vistinging her family's old den, the wolf set out. She tried to find her trainer, however she had no luck. He’d left the city for another one, full of vampires and other supernatural beings. He left her a note, a small amount of money, and a fake ID so she could get a bus pass to follow him. With a heavy heart, Ichi took the money and the ID deciding she might as well try to find a home in the city for supernaturals. Maybe, after everything she could finally find herself a home. 



Summer of 2007 Ichi-NightLove, First enters to Ravenblack City.

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Role play character for the game. Vampires in the dark! Ravenblack. Played by: Anna Rommel/Brittenelle Fredericks.  Wolf Played by: Rouge The Wolf Dog. Written by: Brooklynn  Proudly created with

Contact on Discord: Chi#1300

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